Uncomfortable contacts - first time wearer

by Jasmine
(La Crosse, WI )

I'm trying out contacts and it's only been a few days but they are SOOOO uncomfortable. Wetting drops help for like a minute (after the stinging stops) I feel like I have an eyelash or something in my eye. And my eyes feel cold with them in.

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Mar 07, 2011
Why are your contacts uncomfortable?
by: Helen (website owner)

Hi Jasmine

Can you give me some more details so I can help to understand your problem a little better?

1 What type of contact lenses are you using - soft or gas permeable?

2 If soft lenses, are they disposable or ones you replace say every year?

3 Did you visit an eye doctor/optician to have them fitted first?

4 Did your optician (or someone else) recommend wetting drops and are you using them with your contact lens solution? If so which type (s)

If your eyes are stinging it could be a reaction to the wetting drops or your eyes may be sensitive to the contact lens solution your are using.

It can take time to get used to wearing contacts for the first time, but any stinging sensation or eyes that feel "cold" is not right but I need to know a little more before I can give any advice.



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