Types of contact lens solution for RGP contacts

I am trying to find somthing other than the very expensive and allergic Boston conditioning solution for rigid gas permeable contacts. Do you know another product and where i could buy it?

I am in Oshawa

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May 20, 2012
RGP Contact Lens solution
by: Helen

Boston is one of the most popular brands of contact lens solution and also one of the best value especially when you buy online from a company like AC Lens where I get all my contacts and solutions.

But it sounds like you are allergic to Boston and as you also mention the conditioning solution which is part of their RGP lens package, you probably need a multi-cleaning process to get rid of fatty deposits that build up on the lenses.

An alternative lens solution you could try is Opti Free GP made by Alcon. It's a multi-purpose solution for hard and gas permeable lenses that cleans, conditions and disinfects, so you don't need a separate daily cleaner.

Regardless of where you live, you can buy the product online at AC Lens. Just follow this link to Opti Free GP solution to find out more and prices plus delivery options.

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