Special Effects Contact Lenses

Get the Twilight look with Special Effects Contact Lenses

Crazy contact lenses are a great way to make your Halloween costume perfect and theatrical special effects lenses, as worn by actors in series like Twilight and True Blood, are the best way to create that vampire look.

These colored contacts are known as sclera lenses as they cover part of or all of the eye and are much larger in diameter than ordinary soft contact lenses.

Their effect is consequently spectacular as the white portion of the eye is not always visible.

Special Effects Contact Lenses - Sclera Lenses

red sclera lenses Red Sclera Lenses FDA APPROVED $134.99

Sclera contact lenses through specialist companies are hand painted to order and consequently cost far more than normal colored lenses, often $150 + per pair! Allow plenty of time for ordering as most styles take at least 7 days to manufacture.

You can wear them whether you need contacts for vision correction or not as they are available in both plano (zero lens power) and prescription form. Make sure you visit an optician, however, as the wide diameter of these lenses mean they aren't suitable for everyone, depending on the shape of your eye. Many astigmatism sufferers, for example, may find sclera lenses difficult to wear.

Wild Crazy Contact Lenses - Insertion and Removal

Remember that as good as these wild crazy lenses look, you may find them difficult to handle - literally! To get one in, you need to open the eye really wide, pop in the lens and then push it up under the eyelid by lifting the lid upwards...

...I can just feel you squirming right now, especially if you've ever "lost" a lens under the eyelid...

Once you feel that the lens is sitting smoothly on the eyeball, drop the eyelid down and check that the sclera contact lens hasn't dropped out - It may take a few attempts!

Getting the lenses is out is far easier you'll be pleased to know as you just pinch them out, just like ordinary soft contacts.

I personally have never tried sclera lenses as I'd rather stick with what I know, but I do know friends that have worn them and they all say that it feels really weird at first.

So remember, if you do plan to try sclera special fx theatrical contact lenses, take time to get used to wearing them WELL before your Halloween party or you may have to take them out as your eyes are sore.

Buy SFX Lenses Online

A good website to find good quality FDA approved theatrical special effects contact lenses is Lens.com. They have a huge range including the Red Sclera lens shown above with prices starting from $135 - that's for ONE lens! Yes they're expensive but they are custom made to order and you can be sure there won't be two people wearing the same eye color!

Secret tip - make sure you clean and disinfect your precious Special Effects Contact lenses carefully for maximum longevity as well as making sure you don't harm your eyes the next time you wear them.

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