Sclera Contacts to Brighten Entire Eye Color

by Tea

I want to find out if there are contacts I can order to brighten the sclera of my eyes. I was born with Sickle Cell Anemia and somedays they are yellow and some days they are not. Do you know of a place that can help me?

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Dec 06, 2011
Contact Lenses for Sickle Cell Anemia
by: Helen (website owner)

Hi Tea

Sclera contact lenses are usually only used for theatrical purposes or special occasions like Halloween. They cover the entire eye including the iris and the outer white section of your eye.

They can be difficult to get used to as, due to their width (around 18-22 diameter width versus normal size contacts which are 13.5-14.5 diameter width), you have to lift up your eyelid to insert them and getting them out again can be tricky.

They also cost a lot more than normal contacts as they are usually specially made to order.

This page on custom made contacts gives more information on sclera custom made contact lenses plus examples of custom contacts - all of which are intended for theatrical use. You'll see that they are very expensive too at over $100 PER lens.

You would be able to get a custom contact lens made which is white on the outside and just has your natural color on the inside to match your iris color. The links on that page are to a company called Vision Direct, but the contact lenses they offer are made by a quality company called Marietta Vision.

Contact Marietta Vision them directly to enquire about custom made lenses.

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