Salt dissolved in warm water cures pink eye

by Sarah
(Kingston, UK)

My husband once had pink eye and a friend advised me to put 2 tablespoons of salt into a small cup of warm water, allow it to dissolve and then put a few drops (use a cotton bud to squeeze the drops into the eye) into the eye at intervals of about 20 minutes.

It worked as after 2 days his eye was completely cleared up.

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Nov 22, 2011
Home cures for pink eye
by: Helen (website owner)

Thanks for the salt water tip.

When my eyes get sore after a hot dusty day, I grab ten minutes and lie down, covering my eyes with a cotton wool pad soaked in warm water.

You can do the same with cucumbers - that's an old wives tale I remember my mum telling me about as she used to suffer badly from hay fever and her eyes were always bloodshot!

Although my eyes don't often go pink, putting something soothing over them usually works for me.

I'm not sure about putting too much salty water onto a cotton pad though, as my eyes always sting when I've been swimming underwater in the sea - and seawater is very salty. I don't by the way, swim in my contacts - I just fall in a lot when I'm trying to waterski!

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