Potato Paste is a Great Stye Cure

by Jane
(Sheffield, UK)

Try this potato paste mix as a cure for styes in the eye.

Boil a couple of potatoes, drain them and then mash them with a little water to make a paste.

Allow the mash to cool and place the potato paste in the fridge to get cold.

Place a lump of the paste over the infected eye and lie down for 15 minutes or longer if possible.

Repeat with the remaining paste several times per day. If the paste becomes too thick as it dries, add a little more water to it otherwise it will feel too heavy on the eye and won't help you relax.

After a couple of days you should notice a difference in the size of your stye. Remember not to press the paste down too firmly or your could squash the stye and the pus could come out which you don't want.

It worked for me so why not try it?

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Nov 22, 2011
Cure stye with potato paste
by: Sandra

Hey I tried this potato paste cure and it worked!

I did use warm potato paste, as I couldn't be bothered to wait for it to cool down. It felt really calming on my eye and my stye was quite small, so maybe that's why it worked quickly in just a couple of days, but I would use this method again.

Thanks for the tip.

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