"Plasma" Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses/Solutions

by Melody Stephenson
(Bryan, TX)

Am in the process of finding the right RX/type of RGP multi-focal lens. Today, I picked up the second type for trial. These are "plasma" treated and I was told I needed a special solution for these. I am a bit confused as to what "plasma" really means and as to what solution I can use. I picked up some Boston Simplus Multi-Purpose solution today and was told that was okay to use. My questions: After I rinse the lens with water, can I use a drop of this solution on the lens to lubricate it prior to inserting in my eye?..or can saline solution (such as for soft lenses)be used on the lens prior to insertion? Can I use ANY re-wetting eye drop that is made for RGP's? Does anyone have any suggestions on any other type/brand of solution that works well for the plasma treated RGP lense? Thanks!

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Oct 25, 2012
Plasma treated contacts
by: Helen (website owner)

Plasma treated lenses are normally prescribed to enhance comfort and wettability of the lens (which makes them easier/more comfortable to wear).

You need to go back to your optician to find the best solution as it depends on which brand has been prescribed and which type of plasma treatment you have on the lenses.

Normally, you can use a drop of the recommended solution to wet your lenses prior to insertion, but again check with your optician. Never mix different brands of contact lens solution in case they react with one another.

If in doubt, ask the manufacturer by contacting them via their website.

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