Non Prescription dead contact lenses

by LaJeanna

Do I have to have prescription lenses only on this site? I want to get your special dead contacts and I don't want or need them to be prescription

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Dec 21, 2013
Non prescription crazy contact lenses
by: Helen (website owner)

No you don't have to have a prescription to buy many of the lenses recommended on my site. I guess you are asking as you want to wear dead contacts, but you don't need to correct your vision as you can see perfectly without glasses or contact lenses.

If you see a lens that you like on one of the pages on the site, just follow the link for that particular lens and you will be taken to the page for that contact lens which then shows you how to buy it. For people who don't need to correct their vision, you just choose the 0.0 ie. zero on the power section. That means the contact lens has zero corrective power and is like looking through a clear pair of glasses.

My only word of warning is that you really should get your eyes checked with an eye doctor before you buy. This is not because you need to check your eyesight, it's because your eye doctor will be able to confirm that your eyes are suitable for contact lenses and, more importantly, that they will actually fit on your eyes correctly.

Contact lenses come in different sizes and while many are a "standard" size, especially those that have zero power, they don't always fit everyone.

Also beware of buying zero power contact lenses from stores offering cheap dead contacts. There are many cheap contacts available, but most are not approved for use by the FDA. You can seriously damage your eyes by putting in lenses that are made from cheap materials that do not let your eyes breathe underneath.

All the lenses recommended on my site are FDA approved and made by manufacturers with high quality standards, so you can be sure of making the right choice.

Hope that helps.


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