LASIK Eye Surgery Problem

Common types of LASIK eye surgery problem. Share your own problems and learn from others.

While LASIK eye surgery for vision correction is far more advanced and safe than earlier forms of eye refractive surgery, like any operation, there is a small risk of complications and some patients do experience problems after surgery.

Unlike PRK vision correction surgery, LASIK eye surgery usually only gives mild discomfort following the procedure, although some people require medication if they experience pain after the operation.

Providing you follow your surgeon's advice to the last letter, no complications normally arise. This involves taking appropriate rest by not engaging in any strenuous activity for a few days and being careful not to rub the eye, in case you dislodge the corneal flap that is an integral part of the procedure.

Laser Eye Surgery Risks

After reading lots of information and forum posts about laser eye surgery risks, the following problems could arise in around 1% of cases (the figure used to be much higher at around 5% prior to more advanced methods being used, and surgeons having gained far wider experience in what is still a relatively new form of surgery).

  • Loss of sight is extremely rare, but some patients experience continuing vision problems, needing continued wear of either glasses or contact lenses.

  • Double vision can occur after the procedure.

  • Dry eyes is a frequent LASIK eye surgery problem side effect.

  • Night vision can be impaired with patients reporting seeing halos around bright lights.

Thankfully, most of these issues can be resolved with further vision "enhancement" surgery, or with medication or eye drops, for example, for persistant dry eye syndrome.

Best Laser Eye Surgery

To get the best laser eye surgery, the best bit of advice has to be to only use a TRUSTED and EXPERIENCED surgeon.

This should be someone who has performed thousands of operations already and is therefore regarded as an expert, being fully up to date with the latest technology.

Look for specialist eye care practices that use state of the art technology with precision lasers to minimize any chance of something going wrong.

And most importantly, ensure that a full examination and discussion takes place to check that you are actually suitable as a candidate. People with diabetes, for instance, run a greater risk of post-op complications as the eye may not heal correctly. Likewise, people with ultra-thin corneas may not be suitable for LASIK eye surgery, the problem being it is too thin to safely cut a flap for the procedure.

Have you had a LASIK eye surgery problem? Why not share it with us?

Your LASIK Eye Surgery Problems

Have you had your vision corrected via LASIK eye surgery and experienced a problem during or after the operation?

It would be great if you could share your experiences, if for no other reason, than I'm scared to death by the thought of someone pointing a laser at my eye and something going wrong!

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