Comfortable Contact Lenses

putting in contact lenses Soft contact lens

Are you a contact lens wearer looking for the latest most comfortable contact lenses in 2024?

Would you like to try contact lenses but you're scared of putting them in and taking them out?

Do you want to change your appearance using colored contact lenses to enhance or completely change your eye color?

Welcome to Comfortable Contact Lens Secrets

helen smeaton The Editor!

Hi, my name is Helen and I'm a contact lens wearer.

I've been wearing them for over 30 years and have never had an eye infection...though I've had my fair share of tired sore eyes!

Contact lenses have moved on a lot in 30 years and they are now more comfortable than ever IF you know which lenses are best for your eyes and your lifestyle.

I set up this site to share my experiences of all the different types of lenses and to show you why I now believe I've found the most comfortable contact lenses ever! And sshh they don't cost a fortune. 😊

putting in contact lenses My most comfortable contacts 2024 - Everclear Elite from Vision Direct

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All About Contact Lenses

Warning! This is NOT just another site selling contact lenses online. While I do provide links around the site to various products you may want to buy, this just helps with the running costs of the site. If you do make a purchase, I may earn a small commission but there is NO extra cost to you.

So why keep browsing here? I want to share what it's really like to wear contact lenses both for perfect vision and also simply to make a fashion statement.

All the articles on the site are based on my own personal experience and I have lots of secrets to share...

Tip: Find my best comfortable contact lens secrets in snazzy green boxes like this 😊

...and I hope that this website will help you make the right decision as to which contacts are best for you for maximum comfort and eye safety.

I don't pretend to know everything about wearing contact lenses, but after years of suffering dry eyes in air conditioned offices, getting grit in my eyes playing sports, losing lenses "behind the eye" (this is not as scary as it sounds really!) and even losing a lens in the sea (long story!), I've finally found a balance between choosing the most comfortable contact lenses and adopting a lifestyle that avoids sore, red and tired eyes.

I've worn both rigid gas permeable and soft lenses. I've tried color enhancing contacts to make my eyes sparkle at parties. I've used monthly, bi-monthly and daily disposable soft contacts and I've also recently tried Toric lenses to correct my mild astigmatism when my vision started to change after I turned 55.

I now order all my contact lenses online as I know what's right for my eyes and my lifestyle. I've found my best ever comfortable contact lenses and they're NOT from one of the big brands!

Update January 2020 - Last year I was diagnosed with a cataract in my left eye which forced me to undergo femtosecond laser cataract surgery. A scary but perfectly safe procedure as I had an excellent surgeon. I can now see perfectly through my left eye (both short and long distances) and, while I only now need to wear a contact lens in my right eye, you may want to read about my experience with cataract laser surgery, should you need the same thing as you grow older.

So if you need a contact lens site that tells you what you REALLY need to know about wearing lenses either with or without prescription, how to avoid dry eyes and the potential risks of eye infection, please keep browsing.

It's Easy to Find what you're Looking for

Just use the navigation bar at the top of the page and/or the related links at the bottom of each page. Or just go straight to the SITEMAP to quickly find what you need.

Tip: there's a link to the sitemap at the bottom of every page.

If you can't find what you're looking for, use my interactive ASK! facility. If you have your own stories/experiences of wearing lenses such as tips on how to make them more comfortable to insert, remove or wear for longer periods than normal or tips to prevent sore red eyes, please share them. I'd love to hear your tips!

Thanks so much for visiting my site. Enjoy!

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Free contacts trial
Free contact lens trial

Disclosure - If you make a purchase via a "link" on this site, I may receive a small commission at NO extra cost to you which really helps me run this site. Thank you!