I just got Multifocal contacts but I also want colored ones

by Colene
(Ne Hampshire)

And I just called the office were I got them and I wanted to talk colors. and they said they do not make Colored Multi Folcals. and then I found this site. I am confused!

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May 02, 2013
Colored multifocal contacts
by: Helen (website owner)

It's very hard to get hold of colored multifocal contact lenses as most companies supplying multifocal contacts don't offer them in colours too.

Prescriptions for multifocal contacts can be very complex and adding a colour variation to the lenses is usually not cost effective for many companies to include a coloured option in their ranges.

The big brands like Acuvue who make Acuvue Colours contacts don't offer them, for example, as a multifocal option.

I had to search for a long time before I found a source for coloured multifocals and the only one I've found so far is the one made by Ocusil, a rigid gas permeable lens available as an aspheric option, where the near power is on the centre of the lens and the distance power on the outside.

It is however only available at the moment with a blue tint.

See my page on multifocal coloured contacts for more details.

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