How can I purchase a disposable contact travel case?

How can I purchase a disposable contact travel case? I can see it on the page,, but when I click on it it takes me to another page about lenses. I would really like one for an upcoming trip. Thank you.

Kathy Bloomquist

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Jul 21, 2015

by: Helen

Hi Kathy
It looks like the travel cases on that page have been discontinued. Sorry I need to go and update the link. But in the mentime if you click through onto the link, the lenses page you land on has a side bar with contact lens cases as one of the navigation options.

Click on that and you will see a wide variety of alternative cases. They are not the same as the travel case option, but something may suit.

Alternatively, do what I do when I travel with my disposable lenses. Just take a whole box of 30 lenses and the box is sturdy enough to protect the lenses in transit - saves money too and probably takes up less room in your toiletries bag!

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