Having a nap in contact lenses

Will it hurt if you take a nap during the day with soft contacts in? I don't want to harm my eyes by doing something wrong.

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Aug 18, 2011
Taking a short nap in contact lenses
by: Helen

No it won't hurt to have a short sleep while wearing contact lenses in terms of causing your eyes pain or making them difficult to take out afterwards.

If you wear disposable soft lenses, they are perfectly fine to wear while taking a nap as they are very thin and allow your eyes to breathe efficiently. Even if they are non disposable (eg. soft contacts intended for 1 year or more use), most modern soft contacts are made of highly breathable materials so again won't do your eyes any harm.

If you have the type of 1-2 week disposable lenses like mine (Acuvue Advance Hydraclear), they are actually designed to be worn either as a 1 week extended wear lens (ie. you can wear them all day and night for 7 days if you wish and your eye doctor recommends it) OR as a 2 week lens where you take them out every night. So this type of lens is perfectly fine for a quick nap!

It's worth reading about sleep-in contact lenses on this page to learn about possible risks of sleeping in contacts, if you at all worried.

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