All about Focus Dailies contact lenses from Alcon. Are they comfortable for everyone?
Dailies®, as the brand name is known, are a popular daily disposable contact lens, made by Alcon. You may know them better by the name of Focus Dailies, but this name now refers to just one of the products in the Dailies® range, with the more recent additions bearing simply the main brand name.
Focus Dailies Aquacomfort Plus 90 pk disposable contacts
£49.99 from Vision Direct
The beauty about a daily disposable contact lens is that there is no need to clean and disinfect at the end of the day.
That means saving money on expensive cleaning solutions and, while the new AquaComfort Plus Dailies work out more expensive than buying 1-2 week disposable lenses, many people prefer them as they are just so easy to use.
Your eyes will feel super comfortable every day as you just pop in a new pair of lenses for perfect vision.
No worries about bits of grit or fatty deposits from your tears on the pair you put in the lens case last night!
The Focus daily Aqua Comfort Plus disposable contact lens shown above has a base curve of 8.7 and a diameter of 14.0; it is not available in any other sizes, so it may not be the most comfortable lens for you.
I got a trial pair of the slightly smaller (base curve of 8.6 and a diameter of 13.8) original Focus Dailies from my local optician when I first came to Cyprus as she couldn't supply my trusted Acuvue brand lenses. After just an hour, I had to take them out as they just didn't fit my eyes correctly...they felt scratchy... you can see how important it is to get your eyes properly tested and your lenses actually FITTED. Just the small change in diameter made a huge difference for me.
But if Focus Dailies contact lenses are right for you in terms of fit, then they're a great comfortable daily disposable lens. And the good news is that there are now even more options in the Dailies® range, for even MORE comfortable eyes, each and every day, like the Dailies with Aquacomfort Plus above which are newer and, oddly, cheaper than the orginal Focus Dailies.
See the whole Dailies range of contact lenses range available here from AC Lens, including daily disposable toric lenses for people with astigmatism. Dailies Colors for those who want a different eye color and the latest DAILIES TOTAL1®, the first and only water gradient contact lenses for both supreme comfort AND breathability.
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