First Time with Contact Lenses - My Hour Long Epic Fail

by Mick da Aussie

I once tried to get contacts, but after an hour trying to install them I gave it up. While I only use the word impossible for trying to violate the laws of physics (like driving faster than light speed) I will call it prohibitively difficult.

On your first attempt, how long a time is average? My mother said it took her 10 minutes on her first attempt, and she called it difficult. She had it absolutely easy. She has no idea what "difficult" means. I hate glasses but my bad experience with the epic fail is quite a deterrent to trying contacts again.

I got so soured on contacts from that attempt that before I try it again I will need a seriously compelling reason to do so. That is, on the order of being in a position to make millions but requiring that I make myself look like a Swede. (I'd need blue eye tint lenses for that mission)

How many others try it but find it so excessively difficult to insert them they flat out give up?

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Aug 15, 2011
The Epic Fail.
by: Mick da Aussie

I was at the eye doctor's shop when I attempted it. I can only wonder how long it took the inventor of contacts in 1888 to get his contacts in. Standing to possibly make big bucks, he had sufficient motivation (and no, he didn't make blue eye tint ones).

I would not attempt it at home, trying to duplicate the inventor on a first try.

Aug 14, 2011
Difficulty inserting contact lenses
by: Helen (website owner)

Mick, you didn't say which type of contact lens you tried (soft or rigid gas permeable), but whichever it was, I can sympathise!

I used rigid gas permeable lenses the first time I tried them. I don't remember how long it took to put them in to be honest, probably a couple of minutes mainly because as RGP lenses are rigid, they don't bend or turn over on your finger so it is easier to put them in. BUT I remember it took me HOURS to get them out! I personally think taking lenses OUT is more difficult.

If you were trying a soft contact lens, you have the problem of first getting them out of the packet, then checking to see if they are the right way up, then you need to place the lens on your finger without letting it fold over onto itself, making it a nightmare to straighten, and THEN you need to try to put the lens in without it sticking to your finger rather than your eye ball!

In other words, it can be very tricky!

But let me tell you DON'T be put off by one bad experience. Read these pages on how to insert contact lenses and then take contacts out. Next make sure you go to an optician for your next attempt (I'm guessing you tried at home maybe?) - they will be able to SHOW you how to insert the lenses correctly and, more importantly, demonstrate how to remove them without getting stressed!

Once you've practised a few times, it DOES get easier, I promise, then you will have the world at your fingertips and you can pop in a pair of amazing blue contacts to make your millions :)

PS: the above pages also have tips on how to insert and remove lenses using a suction device if you continue to have problems.

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