disposable contact lens cases

(Cincinnati, OH)

I've been looking for some cases for my daily contact lenses, and you've got a couple of great-looking ones on your site. Unfortunately, when I click on the link, it sends me to another website that doesn't have those cases. Can you help?

Anne Bridgeman

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Jul 21, 2015

by: Helen

Hi Anne
Sadly the travel cases on my page have been discontinued and the links click through to the main contact lenses page on the supplier's site.

I need to update the link and find an alternative, but have been struggling to find anything similar. If you click on the links in the meantime and then when you land on the generic contact lenses page, look on the left and you will see a link to contact lens cases. There may be something suitable depending on whether you wear dailies or monthlies.

If not, do what I do when I travel with my daily disposable lenses. Just take the whole box and the box protects the lenses inside. They also take up far less room and by the end of the holiday, I don't have any lenses left to carry anyway, so I just throw the box away!

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