Find cool contact lens cases, perfect gifts for friends and family or just to treat yourself.
Most contact lens cases are a bit dull, usually made of white plastic and occasionally one side of the case is colored to differentiate between Right and Left.
I'd never even thought of buying a cool colored lens case before until I thought how practical they could be:They're good for travelling.
It makes YOUR case stand out from other lens cases in the family.
They look cool and reflect your personality :)
They make great gifts!
So here are some ideas for cool contact lens cases - the complete range is here
but my personal favorites are below:
Looking for a designer contact lens case? Grab one of these favorites for a great gift for yourself or someone you love.
Red Geometric Lens Case - $4.95
I just love this Red Geometric Lens Case from Beyond Optics.
It's fashionable and has a unique style with a neat side-flip opening on each side PLUS cool contact lens cases like this one are fully leak-proof.
It also comes in green with a geo pattern, orange
and purple.
Make contact lens wearing fun with this Pink Hippo Lens Case.
With a 3-dimensional design, screw top and cool fashion color, this case is easy to use and is fully approved by the FDA.
Other animals available too like the Blue Elephant
or the Yellow Puffer Fish.
Canadian Flag Lens Case - $4.99
Feeling patriotic? These cool leak-proof contact lenses cases have a 3-thread ergonomic design and large ribbed walls for easy removal of lenses.
Click on the relevant link above to find out more about your country's lens case!
Of course if you don't want to pay $5+ for a single lens case, why not express yourself using colored contact lens cases? And here's a great product:
Contact Lens Colored cases and Timer - Only $13.95
This Value Wheel of Contact Lens Timer and 7 colored lens cases lets you count down the number of days left to change your contact lenses.
It's a really economical way to buy multiple cases OR you can just share them with the family so no-one ever mixes up their lenses!
You can set the case change time for 30, 60, or 90 days and set the lens change time for either 30 or 14 days.
Brilliant value at just $13.95!Related pages:
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