Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes

Find the best contact lenses for dry eyes, perfect for working in air conditioned offices or at a computer screen for long periods.

There can't be many contact lens wearers who have never experienced tired, sore, dry eyes at some point.

But there is a difference between having dry eyes from wearing contact lenses for too long a period and the sore itchy feeling which many people experience on a day to day basis, even just an hour or so after putting in their lenses.

If you're one of the people suffering with sore dry eyes after only a few hours of wearing your lenses, read on to discover the best contact lenses for dry eyes.

Most Comfortable Contact Lenses

If you've been struggling with the same old lenses for years, the good news is that modern technology has made contacts MUCH more comfortable now so you don't have to put up with sore eyes anymore or worse, throw your contacts away and revert to eye glasses.

The most comfortable lenses for dry eye sufferers will be soft ones as they let more oxygen through to the eye. The most recent innovation is using a plastic polymer known as silicone hydrogel which offers unrivalled comfort. But while these lenses are more expensive than others on the market as the technology is fairly new, other soft lenses have wetting agents incorporated into the lens to offer dry eyes supreme comfort.

Best Contacts for Dry Eyes

I use the Acuvue brand of contact lenses made by Johnson and Johnson. They have a wide range of disposable soft lenses including the first daily disposable lens made from silicone hydrogel called Acuvue TruEye.

I can highly recommend the Acuvue brand as great contact lenses for dry eyes. I used to wear a disposable soft lens called Acuvue Advance which could be worn for one to two weeks depending on your optician's advice.

My husband used to hate wearing lenses for sports use as he always felt he had "grit" in his eyes but he then tried the one day Acuvue Moist contact lenses and said he couldn't even feel them when they were in!

Acuvue Moist Daily Disposables
$56.99 per box of 90 lenses - Great VALUE
are now my daily contact lens of choice now too - they are SO comfortable and I think they are the most affordable contact lenses for dry eyes on the market today.

So, if you suffer from dry eyes, try the Acuvue brand, in my view the best contact lenses for dry eyes.

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