Cheap Disposable Contact Lenses

Buy cheap disposable contact lenses in new larger pack sizes to save money.

Do you wear daily disposable contacts or, like me, would you like to wear them all the time but can't really justify the expense?

I've just discovered a great new way to get even cheaper daily disposable contact lenses - buy them in brand new larger pack sizes of 90 lenses per box.

Daily Disposable Contacts 90 Pack

acuvuemoist90pack 1 Day Acuvue Moist 90 pack from $53.95 per box

While I normally wear Acuvue Advance Hydraclear 1-2 week disposable contact lenses, I also use the ultra comfortable Acuvue Moist daily disposable lenses, usually when my eyes get really sore in the hot and dusty summer months here in Cyprus, or when I'm doing waterports activities like snorkelling or skiing.

A 30 pack box of Acuvue Moist lenses costs $22.95, which works out at 76.5 cents per lens. If you buy a 90 pack box, however, you save 19% as a single box of 90 lenses costs $55.95 (62.1 cents per lens).

If you purchase 4 boxes (360 lenses in total), you save even more as each lens only costs 59.9 cents as you get a discounted price of $53.95 for buying multiple packs.

Prices correct as at July 2012.

Discount Contacts Online

Don't wear Acuvue brand contacts? If you use Focus Dailies®, you'll be pleased to know that these daily disposable lenses also come in a new value for money 90 pack.

cheapdailiescontactlenses Dailies 90 pk disposable contacts
Only $35.95 from Discount Contact Lenses

This amazing value 90pk costs just $35.95 from Discount Contact Lenses which works out at only $11.98 for an equivalent standard 30pk of Dailies contacts.

At Discount Contact Lenses, a single box of Dailies costs $17.95, so you save 33% by purchasing a 3 month supply instead of just 1 month.

AND you can save a further 10% off the 90 pack price by using one of these coupons from Discount Contact Lenses.

Tip: I've only noticed these value packs on daily disposable contact lenses so far. But I'm keeping an eye out for any new larger packs on 1-2 week disposable lenses, which should offer similar great cost savings.

STOP PRESS - Arghh!!! I must be clairvoyant but I'm now really peeved. Having just placed my order for 8 boxes of my 1-2 weekly disposable Acuvue Advance lenses, I've just seen that they now come in new packs of 24 lenses, rebranded in new packaging as Acuvue Advance Plus. I could have saved nearly $30 :(

So if you're looking for daily cheap disposable contact lenses, think about ordering them in the new large 90 pack sizes to save money. The savings you make could very well justify wearing daily disposables rather than sticking to your 1 week throw-away contacts.

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