Cheap Color Contacts

Find cheap color contacts using my advice on the best value comfortable colored contact lenses currently available on the market.

A few years ago, the only colored contact lenses you could buy were expensive custom-made theatrical lenses, most often worn by actors.

But the big optical manufacturers like Alcon soon realised there was a big market for colored lenses, whether wild crazy contacts for special occasions like Halloween, or everyday colored lenses for people who just want to look a little different.

NB: Big reputable comapnies like Alcon and Ciba Vision no longer offer crazy colored contacts for Halloween and fancy dress parties as they consider them too risky. Please take care if you order cheap crazy contacts online as you could get a serious eye infection if they are not obtained from a reputable retailer with full FDA approval.

Discount Colored Contact Lenses

Today, there are many brands of discount colored contact lenses available and they can be worn either by people who normally wear clear lenses to correct their vision, or by people who purely want to change their eye color.

Like the highly popular soft disposable contacts available in 12 different shades as seen below.

freshlook colorblends color chart Freshlook Colorblends - $75.99/box of 6 monthly disposable soft lenses

They cost $75.99 per box of 6 lenses and are designed to be worn for up to a month, so if you only wear colored lenses a few times per week, provided you clean and disinfect your cheap color contacts carefully after use, each pair of lenses could last for months.

NB: As a comparison, most clear monthly soft disposable contact lenses range between $38-$75 for a box of 6 lenses and some of these can only be worn for 2 weeks if you have very dry eyes. So colored contacts can work out as cheap as clear lenses.

Here are some other popular cheap color contacts from the best brands:

Air Optix Colors Available as a 6-pack at $89.99 and also as a 2-pack @ $34.99. 12 different color enhancing shades offering a high level of comfort.

Dailies Colors the only daily disposable colored contact lenses available. Great for first time color contact lens wearers, they cost $32.99 for a box of 30 lenses - also available in a value for money 90 pack at $68.99.

Freshlook Colors perfect for those with DARK eyes as they completely change the colour of your eye. $75.99 per box of 6 lenses.

Cheap Colored Contact Lenses - Prescription and Non Prescription

Whether you need to use contacts for vision correction or just for cosmetic purposes, there are plenty of cheap colored contact lenses to choose from and all the above lenses are available in both prescription and non prescription form. Just order a power of 0.0 (zero) to get non prescription contacts that won't affect your vision.

Be sure to use any available coupon codes to get the best possible price when ordering.

If you have a complicated prescription as you normally wear a toric lens for astigmatism or even a multifocal lens, the bad news is that none of the above popular brands are now available as a toric or multifocal lens. Freshlook Colorblends used to be available for patients with astigmatism but as technology has advanced so have the costs, so the big brands no longer think it's cost effective to offer colored lenses for complex prescriptions.

Tip: While price may be your main criteria for choosing a particular brand of contact lenses, only buy from reputable optical retailers like AC Lens, Discount Contact Lenses or Vision Direct, if you live in Europe as these companies only stock FDA or EU-approved lenses that are safe for consumers to wear.

Cheap color contacts from companies offering lenses as fashion accessories are often operating without FDA approval and offer poor quality contacts made of thick plastic that could harm your eyes.

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