Cheap Acuvue Contacts

Find cheap Acuvue contacts at discounted prices online and make even bigger savings by buying better value multi-packs which have replaced coupons on many contact lens websites.

The contact lens retail market is so competitive these days that optical stores are offering ever cheaper prices to attract customers.

I'm always on the look-out for cheaper prices so I make sure I check the price of my usual Acuvue lenses on at least 3 different sites before I place my annual supply. I also now buy larger multi-buy packs which are far better value, for example a 90 pack of dailies rather than a single box of 30.

Tip: Ordering a year's supply in one go means you can make use of cheaper "multi-buy" prices BUT do make sure you have had a recent eye exam before placing the order, so you're not stuck with contacts that don't correct your eyesight properly!

Discount Contacts Online

Having just placed my annual supply again, I've done my usual price check around the web and I'm pleased to say that my usual company AC Lens is still the cheapest.

Another company, Discount Contact Lenses, however, has the exact same prices and here's a selection of cheap Acuvue contacts available from both companies.

acuvueoasyscontacts Acuvue Oasys - $59.99 per box of 12

acuvue moist contact lenses Acuvue Moist Daily Disposables
$30.99 per box 30 lenses

acuvue moist contact lenses Acuvue Moist Daily Disposables
$56.99 per box of 90 lenses - BEST VALUE

Cheap Acuvue Contacts - Coupons

Cheap Acuvue contacts are available at the most competitive prices anywhere online from the optical retailers highlighted above. Like many others, I used to hunt the net for coupon codes or wait for one to arrive in my inbox from a retailer I had already used.

But now that big packs of 90 lenses for dailies or 24 packs for bi-monthlies are available, the only coupons you can find are either first time buyer discount codes or maybe an occasional 5% off for a repeat purchase.

NB: Switch from your usual supplier to save 20% as a first time buyer at either AC Lens or Discount Contact Lenses. Already used these two? Try 1800 Get Lens instead.

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