Best Contacts for Dry Eyes

Find the best contacts for dry eyes and wear comfortable contact lenses all day long.

If you suffer from dry eyes when wearing your contact lenses, then you probably aren't producing enough natural tears to lubricate your eyes. It may also be down to the natural environment, for instance hot dry weather, but either way, to get relief you either have to take your lenses out and relubricate them with contact lens solution or apply rewetting eye drops, specially made for contacts, to apply while your lenses are still in.

One thing that many sufferers don't consider, however, is actually changing their lenses.

Tip: Many friends have complained about uncomfortable contact lenses, but they hadn't changed their contact lens brand for over 10 years! Eye care technology has improved dramatically, so often it's a case of just trying a different lens to find the best contacts for dry eyes.

Comfortable Lenses and Best Contacts for Dry Eyes

The best contacts for dry eyes will be lenses that have a very high moisture content. Advances in optical technology over the past few years mean that the plastics used to make lenses have improved dramatically.

Contact lenses need to let your eyes breathe as much as possible as oxygen keeps them healthy and also prevents them from drying out. I switched from rigid gas permeable contacts to soft contact lenses 20 years ago, mainly as my eyes were drying out while working in an air-conditioned office.

acuvue moist contact lenses My most Comfortable Contacts
Acuvue Moist Daily Disposables

Back then I wore fairly basic Acuvue lenses called Hydraclear, but in the last few years, as I have grown older and my eyes have become more senstive to light and the dry heat here in Cyprus, I switched to a daily disposable lens with extra moisture - here it is:

Acuvue Moist Daily Disposables I'm not saying that these are the absolute best contacts for dry eyes, but they work for me and even when I do a lot of computer work, like building this page, they don't cause me discomfort or make my eyes dry and itchy.

Well that's MOST of the time. Occasionally, I do have to revert to eyeglasses or even use eye drops when I'm very tired.

Even Better Best Contacts for Dry Eyes?

acuvue oasys 1 day 1 day Oasys with HYDRALUXE technology
Acuvue 1 Day Oasys

What I really want to try, however, is Acuvue's latest DAILY contact lens called 1 Day Acuvue Oasys - a daily (also available as a cheaper bi-monthly lens but with older hydraclear technology) disposable contact lens with the latest HYDRALUXE technology which applies a supreme moisture-rich wetting agent to the eyeball for comfortable lenses even in the most challenging environments eg. long hours in front of the PC! They also offer a very level of UV protection - great for hot days in the Cyprus sun!

Acuvue claims that with Oasys lenses, "DRY is out!" They could therefore be the best contacts for dry eyes if you're looking for the ultimate soft lens to relieve dry eyes.

If you live in the US, you can try Acuvue Oasys contact lenses here.

And NOW: If you live in the UK or Europe you can now buy 1 Day Acuvue Oasys lenses here from Vision Direct. Amazingly, Vision Direct.will also deliver FREE by courier so your lenses arrive in a matter of days to Cyprus or anywhere else in Europe!

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